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The Theater Department was known by a few different names, including:

• Department of Drama

• School of Theatre


Until the advent of Cornish as a college, the head of the department was called the "director"; after that, the head was the department "chair."



100 Years of the Cornish Theater Department


Listing of Directors of the Cornish Theater Department: A Work in Progress


1918–1921 Ellen Van Volkenburg and Maurice Browne, co-founders
1921–1922 Samuel J. Hume
1922–1923 Moroni Olsen
1923–1924 Katherine and Carol Aiken
1924–1925 Burton and Florence James
1925–1926 Ellen Van Volkenburg
1926–1928 Burton and Florence James
1928–1929 Ellen Van Volkenburg (presumed)
1929–1929 Edwin Vail (presumed)
1929–1930 Herbert Gellendré
1930–1932 Jean Mercier
1932–1938 Alexander Koiransky
1938–1940? Hector Cant ’34
1940-1941 No director of record (classes run by Mrs. Ralph Howell Lamont)
1941-1942 Wright Esser (also director of radio)
1942-1943 Kathryn Keller (de facto director, junior dramatics & speech)
1943-1944? Kathryn Keller, director, Junior Dramatics & Speech

— apparent hiatus.

1950-1951? Marguerite Duffy, acting director

— apparent hiatus.

1953-1955 C. Harold Bush, Department of Drama & Speech

— apparent hiatus.

1960–?? Arthur B. Gleditzsch (dept. reopens)
1976–1980 Julian Schembri
1980–1983 Tom Towler
1983–1986 Bruce Matley
1986–1987 Lou Hetler and Craig Latrell
1987–1990 Robert Sandberg
1990–1991 Hal Ryder
1991–1995 Robert Sandberg
1995–present Richard E.T. White